Boost Your Street Cred by Going Green

“GREEN, GREEN, GREEN!” It’s everywhere you look these days. Go green. Be environmental. Love the planet. It’s all well and good, but you’re just trying to get through the workday and get your jobs done. Whether you’re a remodeler, an interior designer or a decorator, the benefits of going green for your clients (and your business) are increasing. We know – you don’t have time to think about what’s for lunch, much less how to “go green” in your daily jobs.

But you need to. And here’s why:  (more…)

It’s not Snake Oil, It’s Cedar Oil!

The benefits of cedar are not “old wives’ tales.” In fact, many homeowners today are rediscovering the wisdom of their grandmother who had a cedar chest to protect her “valuables.” At CedarSafe, we know she was ahead of her time and absolutely correct. However, only Aromatic Eastern Redcedar is scientifically proven to repel pests, such as roaches, silverfish and moths. That’s why we only produce 100% Aromatic Eastern Redcedar closet linings to protect your valuable possessions.  (more…)