You’ve already learned how Cedarsafe products are manufactured through an environmentally-friendly process. Did you know that Giles & Kendall, our parent company, is also certified through the Forest Stewardship Council?
The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international, not-for-profit, membership based organization that develops internationally recognized standards for responsible forest management. Giles & Kendall achieved an FSC Chain of Custody certification, which applies to manufacturers and processors of forest products. The Chain of Custody certification requires the tracking of both certified and non-certified (controlled) logs through the manufacturing and sale to customers.
Giles & Kendall retains its Chain of Custody certification by employing FSC’s controlled wood standard. This standard allows Giles & Kendall to avoid wood that has been illegally harvested, harvested in violation of traditional or civil rights of local communities, harvested in forests with high conservation values, harvested from forests being converted to wooded ecosystems to plantations or other non-forest uses, and harvested from forests with genetically modified trees.
Giles & Kendall accomplishes this Control Standard by tracking each log purchase back to the Eco-region from which it was harvested. We then assess the eco-region to determine whether it may fall within the five guidelines of the controlled wood standard. This assessment process ensures that all of the wood processed, and therefore all products produced by Giles & Kendall, reflect responsible forest management practices.