Just 11 Days Until IBS!

Excitement abounds for the International Builder’s Show each and every year in anticipation of the extreme measures exhibitors will take to make their booths look fantastic. IBS is all about showmanship, and Giles & Kendall is ready to deliver. The beginning stages of the planning process for our booth took Read more…

Protect your clothes with cedar balls, cedar blocks, cedar sachets, and cedar accessories

You can’t put cedar panels and planks everywhere, but with small cedar products, you can still protect your clothes and linens while they’re in storage boxes, drawers or wardrobes. There’s not much point in protecting your in season clothes with cedar if you’re going to place out of season items in a box in the attic where bugs and critters can gnaw holes in your clothes and the musky smell of mold and mildew can seep in. Before storing clothes, be sure to wash and dry them well at home or have them professionally laundered. (more…)