More than 1,300 exhibitors will attend the International Builders Show next week, including 135 in the category of millwork/wood products. While there will most likely be products available from a multitude of wood species, we wanted to share with you a couple of quick facts on how Aromatic Eastern Redcedar is different from the rest. And we haven’t forgotten about those pictures we promised, either! Keep reading to learn more about our favorite wood, and take a sneak peek at our IBS display of CedarSafe planks and panels.
If you happen to be in Las Vegas next week, we hope you stop by Booth S1255!
Top Ten Aromatic Cedar Fun Facts:
- Cedar oil is used along with floral fragrances to make perfume.
- It’s actually the moth larvae that like to eat wool, silk, cotton, and other linens not the adult moth!
- In some parts of the country, Eastern Redcedar trees are used as Christmas trees.
- Eastern Redcedar doesn’t have to be farmed because it grows abundantly in the wild
- The naturally occurring oil in the Eastern Redcedar wood is what repels insects – they hate the aroma!
- Over half of the Eastern Redcedar population grows in Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and Missouri.
- Eastern Redcedar also repels silverfish, which like to eat cotton, linen, rayon, and book bindings.
- The oldest reported Eastern Redcedar grew in Missouri and was 795 years old.
- The seeds of the Eastern Redcedar grow as berries, and are a significant source of food for birds.
- Giles and Kendall, the manufacturer of CedarSafe products, utilizes every part of the Eastern Redcedar to make a number of products.